The following classmates have responded that they will attend the 70th Celebration
Nancy Bradford-Sisson
Dan Carr
Tim Christian
Teresa Collins-Kykendall
Tony Collins
Steve Conley
Debbie Darty-Dixon
Jayne Davis-Woods
Teresa Dempsey
Barry Fannin
Dwayne Farrow
Clarice Jayne Gray-Gilbert
Darcy Hamrick -Roberts
Mary Henry-Lamb
Treca Justice-Timberlake
Nina Cheri Hunt
Debbie Marcum-Massengale
Teresa McClain-Minnehan
Julie McDowell-Meeks
Janet McEwan-Hovenkamp
Sherry Moore-Clark
Terry Moore-Fowler
Rick Musser
Scott Perkins
Robin Reynolds-Young
Don Robinson
Doug Smith
Mary Smith Payton
Jeffery Stewart
Judy Strother-Flack
Terry Sutphin
Kathy Sweet
Rev. Gail Thiessen-Johnson
Jenny Thompson-Wallace
Mary Travis-Lucas
Lynn Tussey
Scott Vance
Chris Williams
Jack Withrow
If you change your mind and would like to attend this weekend of fun in Ashland
Please fill out the attached survey.
The game we would attend is Homecoming against Russell on
SEPTEMBER 20, 2024
The Game starts at 7:30.
We have the cafeteria at the Middle School (Old Putnam) Reserved
From 5:00-10:00
This is also the weekend of Poage Landing Days Festival
So there will be activities all day Saturday in downtown Ashland
You must be logged in to submit this survey. Please use the login box in the upper right corner.
* Would you attend the 70th Birthday Celebration on September 20th at Putnam Stadium with a pizza party & attend the Homecoming Game against Russell?
This is also the weekend of the Poage Landing Day long festival on Saturday.